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Steven McCarthy, MFA 651 398-2519
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college of design university of minnesota





To provide design education consulting services to institutions of higher education and to design faculty through the application of deep experiences in college teaching, globally disseminated scholarship, awarded creative production, service to the discipline, and leadership.








Steven McCarthy believes design is a humanistic activity that is, by nature, an optimistic and future-oriented endeavor. Design benefits from holistic thinking, a sense of humor, a contrarian approach, and the integration of rich life experiences. Design can be thought of as the progeny of art and science, balancing expression and function. Design is also dialogic, back and forth, like empathetic speech.




When might an institution engage with Steven McCarthy’s design education consulting services?

SCENARIO 1: The design program would benefit from an injection of outside thinking, to introduce alternative solutions, challenge assumptions, bolster the programmatic mission, and be a catalyst for change.


SCENARIO 2: Faculty are burdened with service obligations and committee work and could use assistance so they can focus on quality teaching, scholarship and creative practice. Workload can be outsourced or creatively reassigned.


SCENARIO 3: Design faculty and leadership need an advocate for the particular ways that design differs from art, from engineering, from social sciences, from marketing, etc. while also “sharing the sandbox” with other disciplines. Consultation on design culture's academic value.


SCENARIO 4: Beginning and mid-career faculty deserve mentorship, coaching and advice towards tenure and promotion, especially in departments with few design faculty. The institution's tenure code and process might need outside review.


SCENARIO 5: The department is considering starting a graduate program in design, or changing its bachelor's degree curriculum, and desires help establishing an intellectual imperative, doing a competitive audit, conducting market review, etc. Review of curricula, facilities and expertise.


SCENARIO 6: The program wishes to expand its notion of appropriate design scholarship, creative practice and research, evolving towards an integrative approach with rigor and impact. Possible co-authorship opportunites and editorial services for faculty scholars new to academic publishing.


SCENARIO 7: The students and faculty would enjoy being inspired and informed by Steven McCarthy’s scholarship and creative work through a lecture / presentation / workshop / master class / residency, etc.


SCENARIO 8: ... suggest something!





Design Education Consulting Services PDF – services offered

Career Accomplishments and Qualifications PDF – summary of academic success

Rationale, Products and Terms PDF – deliverables and cost

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Position PDF – racial background and positionality

Curriculum Vitae PDF – thirty-plus years of productivity





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college of design university of minnesota


college of design university of minnesota