Steven McCarthy, MFA | | 651 398-2519 |
BOOK ART THE INFORMATION ELECTRIC AGE Book Art The Information Electric Age is a remix of The Electric Information Age Book by Jeffrey T. Schnapp and Adam Michaels, itself an homage to Marshall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore’s The Medium is the Massage. Besides being a lively series of collages, this remix is serves as a critical review of the donor books. The text is completely the original authors’; the remix arranges it into an alternative reading. All snippets of text and images are cited to their sources for scholarly authenticity. Book Art is the exact same size as the other two mass-produced paperback books, 4.25 x 7", and is 74 pages in length. It is printed on-demand by Lulu and available for under $5! An academic paper about the project is published in the graphic design journal Visible Language here. View the entire book as PDF here. ___ DISSEMINATION Kadour, R. (2016) Critical Remix in Kolaj: a magazine about contemporary collage. Review of Book Art The Information Electric Age. Maison Kasini: Montreal, Canada. 24–27. STA 100 internationally juried competition. The Society of Typographic Arts, Chicago. (2016). Alter + Combine nationally juried exhibition. (SCENE) Metrospace gallery at Michigan State University. East Lansing, Michigan. (2016). LA DADA nationally juried exhibition at Megaphone PHX. Phoenix, Arizona. (2017). Structure Unbound: Interdisciplinary Book Art nationally juried exhibition. Robert & Elaine Stein Galleries, Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio. (2017).